Call for Nominations for the Wrestling Federation of Singapore Athletes’ Commission (WFSAC)
Wrestling Federation of Singapore (WFS) have established an Athletes’ Commission (WFSAC) and are seeking dedicated, engaged athletes past and present. Nominations are open now for the WFSAC!
As a member of the WFSAC you will be instrumental in representing WFS athletes, be an advocate of the new strategic plan and support the future growth of WFS.
By becoming the voice of other athletes, you will assist in ensuring they are able to train and compete in an environment which is fair, equitable and free from all forms of harassment and abuse.
WFS believes that, as in other sports, athletes past and present can make a very valuable contribution to the sport. Having trained and competed in the sport, you possess a true understanding and are able to best represent other athletes and therefore we at WFS want you on board.
Selection Criteria for Members
The following selection criteria will be used when selecting members for the Commission:
Singapore citizen with minimum age of 21 years.
National Athlete who has represented Singapore in Major Games.
No criminal record.
Never sanctioned for doping offence.
Demonstrated willingness to contribute to WFS by contributing experience and knowledge gained as a competitor.
An understanding of the role of the Commission.
Demonstrated high standards of sportsmanship and behaviour when competing for and/ or representing Singapore.
An active member in the sport or a former member, who has not been retired from the sport for more than four olympiads prior to appointment.
Nominations close on the 8th August 2024 so be quick, click HERE to complete your nomination and join us in making the Wrestling Federation of Singapore the best it can be!
The Athletes Commission Terms of Reference can be found here.